Decent Battlefield Player, You can mostly find me hanging around an Attack Boat, or a Tank. Otherwise, I'll Be Helping out as a medic. -Proud Member of RIZE- Add me on PS4! GamerTag: Same as my username on battlelog. Just dont be surprised if i make a lot of stupid jokes. Trying For Division 1 EVERYTHING. Played BF Competitively, Enjoyed it, Still do it every now and then. 1st LevelCap:Reached, 2nd:Reached, 3rd:Not Yet.
Been playing the battlefield franchise since BF2 On ps2. Consider me a "Veteran".-.-
"Bad Company is not gone, they are just taking a very long vacation"-Leading DICE Dev. -EMINEM-
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xXHaZaRd_WoLfXx is only sharing this with friends.