My Name is Fynn-Ole and I'm from Germany.
Be nice and I'm nice to you ^_^
I play mostly infantery and prefer to kill in groups but, solo is also very good. When you know what i mean (Solo Dolo).
But I'm piloting&gunning for good friends, and of course for normal teammates.
Uplay: XxReaperTImeXx (At present with a Assassin Creed Black Flag figure Profile Picture).
Special thanks for for being good teammates: IIII_ARCO_IIII,cachopelo,Viper_Gio,XTheNiceGuyX,K3zz,Big-M267,Shayhh,fyfanvasteak
And no i´m NOT cheating !!! If you call me a cheater i´m just to good for you :P and btw, ty for the compliment.