
Latest login: Japan Japan


I don't think I'm the best. In fact, I think I'm far from it.

M16 is in my top 5 because I used it when the FAMAS and USAS were unfair. (BF3)

Inactive on BF3. I'll play here and there, but for the most part I'm done. x)
I'm mostly playing CS: GO and Skyrim on PC. Sorry.

Emoticon addict!

I disabled friend requests, but once in a while I enable them. Please don't try to add me on BL if you have a perverted Gravatar and/or no interest in talking/gaming with me.


Made by the coolest guy ever (TshMsh): http://i.imgur.com/1WUSvQm.png

Brought to you by the awesome Juicesef (kaumatizo): http://puu.sh/4zM1q.png

Thank you for reading my presentation! Here, have some cuteness: http://i.imgur.com/6gx6ny1.gif

67 Friends