Hilltop Gaming
Tag: [HTG] Fans: 6 Created: 2011-10-26

Platoon Presentation

HTG isn't a formal clan. Formalities are boring.

HTG is for people who prefer playing with people that:

1. Have a brain.
2. Know what a squad is.
3. Like voice comms.

Anyone can join. There's no `leadership` per se. Do what you want, have fun, and for God's sake, don't complain.

** Our Friends **
We're good friends with the 75th Rangers Regiment. So, squad up with our buddies in the 75th and kill stuff.

This doesn't mean you have to marry Zombie, even though he proposed to me. Haha. Just kidding, loosen up :D.

So, feel free to join (you can be in more than 1 platoon). We have setup TS ask if you want the info.

What is HTG?

HTG stands for Hilltop Gaming. Kreed and I live in MS, in a community called hilltop. We're out in the sticks and we're both amazed that we have an internet connection, much less a high speed one.

Platoon feed

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