Combat Docs
Tag: [Doc] Web: Official website Fans: 1 Created: 2012-05-19

Platoon Presentation

Hey guys, how are you doing? My name is Sean, I am the founder of this clan, and I invite you to join! Personally I got my foundings from CSA (Counter Sniper Agency) before they switched to SERE, I was unfortauntly booted after nearly a year and a half but they gave me knowledge on how to run my own clan. I dont really like clans with strict stipulations on when and how you must join, so I will keep it very simple.
1) You must be a mature player, I dont want some ten year old dropping F bombs cause they die. No age limits, just maturity counts.
2)You can be of any rank to join, everyone must start somewhere.
3) You dont have to be a primary assualt class player, we would like support, engineers, and snipers to be in this clan.
4) This applies only to assualt class players who want to be the medics in a match. Have an assualt score of 500,000, if you have a circumstance regarding this score then contact me.
5) Please be respectful and at least act like a mature, understanding adult. I dont like players who disrespectful, very fouled mouth, or can't act right.

Umm little bit about myself. I am 16, Im in Navy JROTC, I would like to join the Navy and become a USN corpsmen. I was a red cross volunteer at Evans Army Hospital summer of 2011, I amassed 321 hours in ER, family practice and Internal medicine. I am a company medic for my NJROTC unit, and ya...

How you can join: If you want to join, apply and we shall have rounds to see your skill level.

You can apply for being selected job titles, like pilot squads, tanker squads, class squads (like engineer sniper support only squads) or hold platoon jobs

Platoon level jobs include
-XO- acts as CO when I am not avaiable, and does job placement
-CMC- command master chief, which is a job to ensure everyone is happy and talks with directly the CO in the event of a compliant or when someone needs to be kicked from the platoon.
-Operations Officer- Scheduals matches with other clans and creates alliances with other BF3 clans.
-Squad leaders

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