Baconfield 3
Tag: [Hogs] Fans: 1 Created: 2012-11-26

Platoon Presentation

Welcome dear Pigglings to Baconfield 3! Im the head hogg, also known as MrFriedTurkey, founder and leader og this platoon!

What does this platoon stand for?
- PTFO (Play The Fucking Objective)
- Dont play like a noob
- Play fair
- Play like a pro

If you agree with this, dont hesitate sending a Aplly!

....but before you do, you need to meet these requirements. We want our members to be decent players. I dont mean to be an asshole, but this is fairly important :P

- 2+ K/D ratio
- 1,5+ W/L ratio
- 600+ Score/min
- Be an active BF player
- Be a premium member

If you happen to not meet these requirements, im afraid you cant join, but on the other hand, i will make a perception if you make a good impression ;)

Sincerely, MrFriedTurkey, the head hog!

Good luck young piglet, may the bacon be with you!


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