Platoon Presentation
Bonjour, vous êtes tous la bienvenue sur cette section. Il n'y a pas de critères de recrutement mais je vous demande juste d'écrire correctement et de porter une bonne plaque si possible, ça serait gentil merci d'avance. Venez nombreux et des parties seront organisées. Je vous garantie que vous passerez de bonnes soirées :) Merci.
Hello, I have created a Platoon named UNDE4D, come join our team, we guarantee that you will have good moments, matches will be organized. There are no recruitement criterias but please write correctly and wear a beautiful/good dogtag if that's possible, thanks. Come in masses, if you are interested join us you are welcome :)
Hello, I have created a Platoon named UNDE4D, come join our team, we guarantee that you will have good moments, matches will be organized. There are no recruitement criterias but please write correctly and wear a beautiful/good dogtag if that's possible, thanks. Come in masses, if you are interested join us you are welcome :)
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