Platoon Presentation
S!K NATION has over 200 members playing BF3!!! Here are the links to our other S!K NATION GAMING PLATOONS:
S!K NATION GAMING:http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655240986942236/
The SiK NAT!ON is the definitive cutting edge of the gaming community and approaches everything clan-related
with an impassioned drive towards being the best, while enjoying the camaraderie of membership.
The [SiK] clan tag represents prominence in battle-proven tactics and strategy that strikes fear into our opponents
in every game we play. Our presence on the battlefield results in hard-charging competitiveness to achieve
greatness in each aspect of gameplay – we are SiK players driving sick results (and having fun
while we're at it!)
If you are interested in being a part of the best damn gaming clan on the planet, then post your info here and visit
us at www.siknation.com to apply for membership.
Welcome to the SiK Nation!
Wanna help your clan?
Go to siknation.com/store and go for VIP or a nice shirt or more!
S!K NATION GAMING:http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655240986942236/
The SiK NAT!ON is the definitive cutting edge of the gaming community and approaches everything clan-related
with an impassioned drive towards being the best, while enjoying the camaraderie of membership.
The [SiK] clan tag represents prominence in battle-proven tactics and strategy that strikes fear into our opponents
in every game we play. Our presence on the battlefield results in hard-charging competitiveness to achieve
greatness in each aspect of gameplay – we are SiK players driving sick results (and having fun
while we're at it!)
If you are interested in being a part of the best damn gaming clan on the planet, then post your info here and visit
us at www.siknation.com to apply for membership.
Welcome to the SiK Nation!
Wanna help your clan?
Go to siknation.com/store and go for VIP or a nice shirt or more!
Platoon feed
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