Soirée 8v8 Season 2
Platoon Presentation
This is season 2 of an 8vs8 Conquest tournament.
Season 1:
1. SoN
2. haSH
3. tyoC
-- Presented to you by Jesoul & RataSataR-eXe, Soirée will be a series of tournaments taking place regularly throughout the year so join up and if you don't get in this time keep your eyes peeled for the next one! good luck & have fun
Game Mode:
Core, Conquest 8v8, Normal (not infantry only)
Operation Métro
Grand Bazaar
Seine Crossing
Tehran Higway
Noshahr Canals
Damavand Peak
* Vehicles ARE allowed
* No MAV, Mortar, Claymores, M320 (except for smoke)
* A game should be scheduled by the team leaders, but when the teams can't agree on a date and time for the match, the match will be played at: SUNDAY 19.00 GMT/UTC
When there are any other problems organising, contact one of the leaders
* Each match consists of 2 maps, randomly chosen. You can win 1 map on tickets. Example: team 1 wins the first round with 40 tickets and team 2 wins the second round with 30 tickets, then team 1 will win the match.
3 points if you win both maps
1 point if the teams draw
0 points if you lose.
Every match has to be scheduled through Battlelog.
Only winning or losing. If tied, you play a third map.
Teams - Contact:
- haSHshaShiN* © (haSH) - Jesoul, Jikke-NL, Pazzie27
- Executors (eXe) - RataSataR-eXe
- Finnish Tactical Force (FTF) - Wil_Willis-FTF
- Acer Triplex. (ATx) - daylight187, Jeeeeeeezy
- Finnish Publa Heroes (FPH) - Pakkolasku, McMxa
- Ziele für die Schweine (ZfS) - Sammeli89, Azzuras
- Team Ku (Ku) - Heroicz_TeamKu
- Orbis.Gaming (ORB) - Gepittaja, snibulae
- GIVE ME BACK MY SON (SoN) - Allu0, Call-of-doom
- Seek And Destroy (SaD) - counter0709, xTaZ_GeeK_
- ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ (KYA) - Yatsu_PL
- Qui audet adipiscitur™ (Qaa) - Qaa_Shaun
- TEAM LITHUANIA ELITE (LTE) - Eldaridas, qwdis28
- Sweden ✗clusive eSport (sXe) - Belund
- Greek Elite Forces™ (GREF) - xtas72
- Crazy Dragons Clan (CDC) - eDo_CDC
Groupstages: http://binarybeast.com/xBF31303110#groups
Round 1: Epicenter & Operation Metro
Round 2: Grand Bazaar & Noshahr Canals
Round 3: Tehran Highway & Seine Crossing
Bracket: http://binarybeast.com/xBF31303110#brackets
Quarter Finals: Damavand Peak & Grand Bazaar - if tie: Operation Metro
Semi Finals: Epicenter & Seine Crossing - if tie: Grand Bazaar
Finals: Operation Metro & Tehran Highway - if tie: Noshahr Canals
Season 1:
1. SoN
2. haSH
3. tyoC
-- Presented to you by Jesoul & RataSataR-eXe, Soirée will be a series of tournaments taking place regularly throughout the year so join up and if you don't get in this time keep your eyes peeled for the next one! good luck & have fun
Game Mode:
Core, Conquest 8v8, Normal (not infantry only)
Operation Métro
Grand Bazaar
Seine Crossing
Tehran Higway
Noshahr Canals
Damavand Peak
* Vehicles ARE allowed
* No MAV, Mortar, Claymores, M320 (except for smoke)
* A game should be scheduled by the team leaders, but when the teams can't agree on a date and time for the match, the match will be played at: SUNDAY 19.00 GMT/UTC
When there are any other problems organising, contact one of the leaders
* Each match consists of 2 maps, randomly chosen. You can win 1 map on tickets. Example: team 1 wins the first round with 40 tickets and team 2 wins the second round with 30 tickets, then team 1 will win the match.
3 points if you win both maps
1 point if the teams draw
0 points if you lose.
Every match has to be scheduled through Battlelog.
Only winning or losing. If tied, you play a third map.
Teams - Contact:
- haSHshaShiN* © (haSH) - Jesoul, Jikke-NL, Pazzie27
- Executors (eXe) - RataSataR-eXe
- Finnish Tactical Force (FTF) - Wil_Willis-FTF
- Acer Triplex. (ATx) - daylight187, Jeeeeeeezy
- Finnish Publa Heroes (FPH) - Pakkolasku, McMxa
- Ziele für die Schweine (ZfS) - Sammeli89, Azzuras
- Team Ku (Ku) - Heroicz_TeamKu
- Orbis.Gaming (ORB) - Gepittaja, snibulae
- GIVE ME BACK MY SON (SoN) - Allu0, Call-of-doom
- Seek And Destroy (SaD) - counter0709, xTaZ_GeeK_
- ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ (KYA) - Yatsu_PL
- Qui audet adipiscitur™ (Qaa) - Qaa_Shaun
- TEAM LITHUANIA ELITE (LTE) - Eldaridas, qwdis28
- Sweden ✗clusive eSport (sXe) - Belund
- Greek Elite Forces™ (GREF) - xtas72
- Crazy Dragons Clan (CDC) - eDo_CDC
Groupstages: http://binarybeast.com/xBF31303110#groups
Round 1: Epicenter & Operation Metro
Round 2: Grand Bazaar & Noshahr Canals
Round 3: Tehran Highway & Seine Crossing
Bracket: http://binarybeast.com/xBF31303110#brackets
Quarter Finals: Damavand Peak & Grand Bazaar - if tie: Operation Metro
Semi Finals: Epicenter & Seine Crossing - if tie: Grand Bazaar
Finals: Operation Metro & Tehran Highway - if tie: Noshahr Canals
Platoon feed
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