The Marked Ones
Platoon Presentation
Once you become one of us there is no turning back....if you end up joining us you will be placed with a curse called ''Marked Curse'' The Marked curse is a curse which will make you deadly and then a strange mark on your arm will appear. ...... and only then you can be a Marked One.
Do not be scared to Apply to join ;)
If you want to scrim (Clan Battle) our platoon please contact: llxCaLiB3rll
How to change your clan tag! (For the people who are new to battlelog!)
Step 1: Go onto your profile
Step 2: find edit profile (or go onto settings)
Step 3: Once you are on the Edit Profile page, Then look under the Gravatar things and then you will see ''edit clan tag and solider settings''
click the little box next to the solider picture.
Step 4: Now type TMO into the box, and then scroll down to the bottom and click SAVE
Congratulations you have changed your clan tag to [TMO] but it will appear or change the next round you play if you are in a server at the time or you just quit the server you are on and rejoin then it should come up.
Our Servers (SPELLED CORRECTLY WILL CHANGE AT TIMES IF SERVER NAME HAS CHANGED)(I Know we have got allot of servers, 8 in total.)
The Marked Ones
The Marked Ones TDM 400% (Expired)
The Marked Ones 24/7 RUSH ONLY!
The Marked Ones Noshahr Canals TDM 500%
The Marked Ones Kharg Island Chaos 300% (Expired)
The Marked Ones Operation Metro 24/7
The Marked Ones Mixed Maps & Gamemodes! (Expired)
The Marked Ones Air Practice (Only available when people really need it for training, Doesn't have to be just Air training)
Sponsor Servers:
[TMO] The Marked Ones Aus & NZ 24/7 Jump In My Tunnel 200% (Expired)
Friend Servers:
The Bloke's Backyard
[NZAK] Canals 500% 24/7..
[NZAK] METRO 24/7 500%
NZAK (NZ Assassin Killaz)
Hope you enjoy being in our clan
-The Marked Ones Community.
Do not be scared to Apply to join ;)
If you want to scrim (Clan Battle) our platoon please contact: llxCaLiB3rll
How to change your clan tag! (For the people who are new to battlelog!)
Step 1: Go onto your profile
Step 2: find edit profile (or go onto settings)
Step 3: Once you are on the Edit Profile page, Then look under the Gravatar things and then you will see ''edit clan tag and solider settings''
click the little box next to the solider picture.
Step 4: Now type TMO into the box, and then scroll down to the bottom and click SAVE
Congratulations you have changed your clan tag to [TMO] but it will appear or change the next round you play if you are in a server at the time or you just quit the server you are on and rejoin then it should come up.
Our Servers (SPELLED CORRECTLY WILL CHANGE AT TIMES IF SERVER NAME HAS CHANGED)(I Know we have got allot of servers, 8 in total.)
The Marked Ones
The Marked Ones TDM 400% (Expired)
The Marked Ones 24/7 RUSH ONLY!
The Marked Ones Noshahr Canals TDM 500%
The Marked Ones Kharg Island Chaos 300% (Expired)
The Marked Ones Operation Metro 24/7
The Marked Ones Mixed Maps & Gamemodes! (Expired)
The Marked Ones Air Practice (Only available when people really need it for training, Doesn't have to be just Air training)
Sponsor Servers:
[TMO] The Marked Ones Aus & NZ 24/7 Jump In My Tunnel 200% (Expired)
Friend Servers:
The Bloke's Backyard
[NZAK] Canals 500% 24/7..
[NZAK] METRO 24/7 500%
NZAK (NZ Assassin Killaz)
Hope you enjoy being in our clan
-The Marked Ones Community.
Platoon feed
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