Tag: [SR] Fans: 11 Created: 2020-04-08

Platoon Presentation

Welcome on Sp3cy_1Rambojosie [SR] server :D !!! Don't forget to add it in your favorites :D
Here is our server : [SR] HC- Noshar Canals & METRO

This server is only to have fun and to share great moments, so have fun girls&bois :D
If you want to support us with some €/$ to be able to enjoy every days, weeks/months then ask me (Sp3cy_1) or rambojosie for a donation :D We will be so thanksful :D

Platoon feed

  • grautvik joined the platoon Sp3cyRambojosie
  • R6_Waza joined the platoon Sp3cyRambojosie
  • nidrgod wrote on the wall for Sp3cyRambojosie:
    Sup add me on smurf niggers : NIDRHOFF thx
    rambojosie what is smurf.. XD
    13 years ago
    SNiPPAZzCZ shut the fuck up nigger
    13 years ago
  • Sp3cy_1 wrote on the wall for Sp3cyRambojosie:
    Hi everyone , Happy new year 2021 and good health , i hope everything will be ok :D To start the new year , I and rambojosie decided to open our own server named: SR-HC-Noshar-Canals-METRO So it's HC on our favorite map : Noshahr Canals TDM & Operation Metro CONQUEST !!! For the moment we need to fix some little things on it but it's normally playable :D You could find it at this link : https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/servers/show/pc/b1fb08aa-7984-4b18-8e23-02eaf56aac7b/SR-HC-Noshar-Canals-METRO/ Don't hesitate to tell us your feelback or if you had some issues, it's important for us to be aware of any problems to be able to solve them in a the fatest way xD Have fun girls and boys <3 !!
  • Negative-x-One joined the platoon Sp3cyC0mmunity
  • nidrgod wrote on the wall for Sp3cyRambojosie:
    Im alive cunts
    Show 2 more...
    nidrgod wtf
    13 years ago
    rambojosie D:
    13 years ago
  • FrostySn0wMan joined the platoon Sp3cyC0mmunity
  • wudini joined the platoon Sp3cyC0mmunity
    Show 1 more...
    wudini Iam ! Are you also playing CoD ? I saw specy is playing CoD too.
    13 years ago
    rambojosie yeah i do play sometimes !add me D: i got the same nickname
    13 years ago
  • nidrgod joined the platoon Sp3cyC0mmunity
  • rambojosie wrote on the wall for Sp3cyRambojosie:
    Hellow mrs and madame, ladies and gentleman, Species Groupie, Species himself wanted me to writte this message to know if he opens a serveur with noshar and metro Hardcore of course ( Why else would he D: ) If aynone would be inerested to play , and to maybe, help $ which of course would cost less than a MCDONALS KID"s meal monthly and since you dont have kids yoou might have it to spare. You could also sell feet pictures online. Bf3 good serveurs are gone, but its still time to make a nice once to enjoy before it dies completelly, Bf3 cannot compare to any games i played and is still amazing game for its age.It is not requested of course, if you just feel like supporting the serveur by your amazing presence, we would be honored. Thank you, Gracias and merci