XnewspyX added - #2 [E4GL] EU 60Hz All Maps CQ | Votemap | Vanilla + DLCs as a favorite server
Medal of Honor: Warfighter
XnewspyX has not played Medal of Honor: Warfighter yet.
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XnewspyX added - ! #1 | *Tank War Large* | Fast Vehicle Respawn | US vs US | as a favorite server
XnewspyX added ! !1 [BF4C] Vanilla & DLCs | All Conquest Large Maps | Votemap as a favorite server
XnewspyX added ! FEAR CLAN__ MbI u3 70x__ NO CHEATERS 150%** 25RUS**//_MIX_// as a favorite server
XnewspyX added ! #1 [TNE] The Next Era | 24/7 Shanghai | FastSpawn | EPS 60Hz as a favorite server
XnewspyX played a round of Conquest Large on Caspian Border 2014
XnewspyX added ! -FIRE-ZONE- ALL MAPS CONQUEST & NO STUPID RULES -60Hz- ! as a favorite server
XnewspyX added - #1| Elysium | Map Rotation | Fast Vehicle Respawn | EPS 60Hz! as a favorite server
XnewspyX added - #2 [E4GL] EU 60Hz All Maps CQ | Votemap | Vanilla + DLCs as a favorite server